Sunday, December 20, 2009

Let It Snow

We're slowly getting settled into our cozy home in the ski resort of Whistler, British Columbia just in time for Christmas. With another 17 cm (7 inches) of snow overnight Tim's off for his fifteenth day of skiing while...

Sandi works hard tending to the cleaning and organizing of the love nest and her cold.

1 comment:

lalawoman said...

I CANNOT believe Tim is making you work so hard, Sandi. Your Uggs look totally wasted! You may have to reconsider this wedding thing.
Meanwhile, here at the ranch, we have the painters in; they're sprucing up the outside of the house and replacing some floorboards on which our termite friends have been noshing. The blue whales are still in the channel. Business has pretty much shut up shop for the Christmas and New Year period.
Hope we get to see you both up North before the snows melt.