Monday, February 14, 2011

Life is a Special Occasion

Here are a few of our reasons why.

VANCOUVER. Snowcapped crags, city-hugging beaches, dense waterfront forests, friendly, laid-back residents, gleaming glass towers, and world-class cuisine.

VIEWS. To be admired everywhere, this one in our backyard, Whistler Mountain.

HEART-SHAPED POTATO. Cupid must be close.

SKIING. Tim is very happy in this photo.

SKIING CROSS-COUNTRY. Even better under the stars.


SUSHI. Japanese art which tastes as good as it looks.

HOT TUBS. No explanation required.

CRYSTAL GOBLETS. They really do make cognac taste better.

A COSY FIRE. Not only does it keep you warm it sets the mood for...

LOVE. The most important of all.

Happy Valentines Day.